Mara Guimarães da Silva

Computer Graphics Portfolio
Here are a couple of projects that I made for some of the computer graphics
classes I attended at University of California, San Diego.

Cloth animation with self-collision detection.
In this image, piece of cloth falling on a tabletop.
CSE291 - Graphics and Simulation - Spring 2005


Analitycal Inverse Kinematics.
Dance Dance Revolution, using analitycal inverse kinematics.
CSE169 - Computer Animation - Winter 2005
(more information coming soon)

Jacobian Inverse Kinematics.
"Arms" trying to reach moving goals.
CSE169 - Computer Animation - Winter 2005
(more information coming soon)

Animation player and editor.
Plays and edit keyframe animations.
CSE169 - Computer Animation - Winter 2005
(more information coming soon)

Facial animation using morph targets.
CSE169 - Computer Animation - Winter 2005

Modeling and Rendering of Copper Patinas.
Weathered copper, modeled using Kubelka-Munk model.
CSE272 - Advanced Appearance Modeling - Fall 2004

The pool.
Final project for MATH155B.
MATH155B - Computer Graphics II - Winter 2004.

Coke bottle.
Created using Bezier curves and patches.
MATH155B - Computer Graphics II - Winter 2004.

Amusement Park.
Scene created using OpenGL.
CSE 167 - Introduction to Computer Graphics - Fall 2003


Last update: Feb 23, 2006