Modeling and Rendering of Copper Patinas.
Final project for CSE272 - Advanced Appearance Modeling - Fall 2004


The goal of this project was to model and render copper patinas using the Kubelka-Munk model. This work was heavily based on the paper by Julie Dorsey and Pat Hanrahan (Modeling and Rendering of Metallic Patinas, ACM SIGGRAPH 1996).

For more details, see the final report.



Copper strips

The results of modeling and rendering of the Kubelka-Munk model were satisfactory, as it can be seen on the copper strips images. From the left to the right:


Venus statue

The patina usually first appears in places likely to hold humidity, then spreads. Since the simulation of the patina spread on a surface was not part of the scope of the discipline, not much time and effort was spent on this. Unfortunately, the patina growth has an enormous effect on the final results. This can be noticed on the venus statue, where the simulation after a significant period of time produces a fake patina pattern on the surface.

  • Points of high humidity
  • Unexposed copper
  • 13 years
  • 31 years